Matt is a Physical Therapist by trade, a Hunter from birth and a Writer by choice. He started going to his grandfather's hunting camp at age five and found that the desire to hunt is an essential part of who he is. After college, he spent almost six years in the U.S. Army, deploying to Iraq with the 1st BCT, 10th Mtn Div (LI) from 2005-2006. After that, he returned to his native Vermont to work and live. Growing other aspects of his life became important and writing became part of that. A columnist for several years, he decided to write a book to share some of his experiences tracking deer in northern New England.
Chasing Adventures is the business arm of what Matt has decided to do. Established as a publishing company, Matt hopes to help others who have something to say get their words out. Learning and growing through the shared stories of our adventures, big and small, is a process as old as the pursuit of game.